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REVIEWS Garmin GPSMAP 396Navigation, weather and entertainment, all in a portable package. Here are some brief impressions of this impressive product that may be in short supply at Oshkosh. ____________NEWS FEATURES Inside the Chart FactoryAnyone who has used a set of Jeppesen charts has probably been annoyed at the time and effort needed to file those “revisions.” But if you think about it, wasn’t there someone who had to sort those charts to send to you? Or is it all automated? Come take a look behind the scenes at Jeppesen.

Garmin GPSMAP 396
Navigation, weather and entertainment, all in a portable package. Here are some brief impressions of this impressive product that may be in short supply at Oshkosh.

Inside the Chart Factory
Anyone who has used a set of Jeppesen charts has probably been annoyed at the time and effort needed to file those "revisions." But if you think about it, wasn't there someone who had to sort those charts to send to you? Or is it all automated? Come take a look behind the scenes at Jeppesen.