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COLUMNS The Pilot’s Lounge #89: How We Scare Our Passengers Without Realizing ItSometimes it’s obvious why our friends and relations enjoy — or don’t enjoy — flying with us. But sometimes the reason they quit going is more subtle, and we may need to remember those things we felt back when we first learned how to fly. AVweb’s Rick Durden reminds us to put ourselves in our passengers seats. ___________AIRMANSHIP Unusual Attitude Recovery: Reacting Quickly In An Over-Banked SituationThere are those who think flight is best experienced at zero or negative G. And then there are the rest of us, who just want to keep the dirty side down. But even though all pilots get basic training in how to recover from unusual attitudes, sometimes we need reminders.
The Pilot's Lounge #89: How We Scare Our Passengers Without Realizing It
Sometimes it's obvious why our friends and relations enjoy -- or don't enjoy -- flying with us. But sometimes the reason they quit going is more subtle, and we may need to remember those things we felt back when we first learned how to fly. AVweb's Rick Durden reminds us to put ourselves in our passengers seats.
Unusual Attitude Recovery: Reacting Quickly In An Over-Banked Situation
There are those who think flight is best experienced at zero or negative G. And then there are the rest of us, who just want to keep the dirty side down. But even though all pilots get basic training in how to recover from unusual attitudes, sometimes we need reminders.