New Articles and Features on AVweb

ATIS Yes, Sport Pilot Training Is Insurable for Commercial Flight Schools! (But …)Recently AVweb published an opinion piece by the owner of a flight school who couldn’t get insurance for training in a Light Sport Aircraft. This week an independent insurance agency clarifies some of the information about getting Sport Pilot insurance. ____________NEWS FEATURES Adventure in Flight: The Outdoor Channel Steps In After Discovery Breaks A WingPilots and other lovers of all things GA have been living in bleak TV times since Discovery Wings became the Military Channel. But aviation programming is coming back bigger and better-looking than ever. AVweb’s Liz Swaine reports on “Wings to Adventure.”

Yes, Sport Pilot Training Is Insurable for Commercial Flight Schools! (But ...)
Recently AVweb published an opinion piece by the owner of a flight school who couldn't get insurance for training in a Light Sport Aircraft. This week an independent insurance agency clarifies some of the information about getting Sport Pilot insurance.

Adventure in Flight: The Outdoor Channel Steps In After Discovery Breaks A Wing
Pilots and other lovers of all things GA have been living in bleak TV times since Discovery Wings became the Military Channel. But aviation programming is coming back bigger and better-looking than ever. AVweb's Liz Swaine reports on "Wings to Adventure."