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COLUMNS The Pilot’s Lounge #87: Etiquette Isn’t Just Raising Our PinkiesJust because you can take a 3g turn and handle turbulence with hardly a butterfly doesn’t mean you should make your passengers deal with all that. And we all know not to fly low over noise-sensitive areas. AVweb’s Rick Durden points out a few more items to make flying more enjoyable for you, your passengers, and those anti-airport folks on the ground.
The Pilot's Lounge #87: Etiquette Isn't Just Raising Our Pinkies
Just because you can take a 3g turn and handle turbulence with hardly a butterfly doesn't mean you should make your passengers deal with all that. And we all know not to fly low over noise-sensitive areas. AVweb's Rick Durden points out a few more items to make flying more enjoyable for you, your passengers, and those anti-airport folks on the ground.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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