New Articles and Features on AVweb
USED AIRCRAFT High-Time or Low-Time Engine?When looking to purchase a used airplane, prospective owners are often confused about whether to get a plane with a “new” (overhauled) engine — and pay a high purchase price — or get one with a run-out engine and do the overhaul to a quality level they can control. Brian Jacobson analyzes both possibilities. WHAT’S NEW April, 2005This month AVweb’s survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you a weekend private pilot ground school, altitude pre-select on an autopilot, pulse-demand oxygen for two and more.
High-Time or Low-Time Engine?
When looking to purchase a used airplane, prospective owners are often confused about whether to get a plane with a "new" (overhauled) engine -- and pay a high purchase price -- or get one with a run-out engine and do the overhaul to a quality level they can control. Brian Jacobson analyzes both possibilities.
April, 2005
This month AVweb's survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you a weekend private pilot ground school, altitude pre-select on an autopilot, pulse-demand oxygen for two and more.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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