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COLUMNS From The CFI #6: Examiners Are Human, Too!Hard to imagine, but some people actually want to be the butt of insults and fear-inspiration — and (really) make a contribution to aviation by becoming a Designated Pilot Examiner. They’re less of an FAA enforcement officer and more of a souped-up flight instructor, as AVweb’s Linda Pendleton explains in this month’s column From The CFI.

From The CFI #6: Examiners Are Human, Too!
Hard to imagine, but some people actually want to be the butt of insults and fear-inspiration -- and (really) make a contribution to aviation by becoming a Designated Pilot Examiner. They're less of an FAA enforcement officer and more of a souped-up flight instructor, as AVweb's Linda Pendleton explains in this month's column From The CFI.