New Articles and Features on AVweb
_______WHAT’S NEW What’s New — Products and Services for JanuaryThis month, AVweb’s survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you flying DVDs, oil filter magnets, alternate air systems and much more. _______TRAINING The Cessna, the Sky … and the Cartoonist: Chapters Ten, Eleven and Twelve‘Round and ’round we go — doing “circuits” (as they say Down Under) — and where it stops is hopefully on the runway. Sometimes. Unless you go-around. How’s a new (old) pilot supposed to know what to do? Our student pilot and cartoonist from New Zealand continues his tale of learning to fly.
What's New -- Products and Services for January
This month, AVweb's survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you flying DVDs, oil filter magnets, alternate air systems and much more.
The Cessna, the Sky ... and the Cartoonist: Chapters Ten, Eleven and Twelve
'Round and 'round we go -- doing "circuits" (as they say Down Under) -- and where it stops is hopefully on the runway. Sometimes. Unless you go-around. How's a new (old) pilot supposed to know what to do? Our student pilot and cartoonist from New Zealand continues his tale of learning to fly.

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