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_______CAREERS Aviation Scholarships — Get Paid To LearnFrustrated by the high cost of flight education? Behaved poorly to your cranky great uncle and he left you out of his will? Have we got a deal for you: Free money! Well, it’ll cost you some time and effort, but there are ways to get others to help pay your way into the profession. _______COLUMNS As the Beacon Turns #79: Connecting The DotsWhen things on your airplane break – especially those annoying computers – it can be very distracting and disruptive to your normal flow. AVweb’s Michael Maya Charles had a very long morning recently in his MD-10 when the ship’s many computers conspired to prevent an on-time takeoff. See how Capt. Charles and his first officer handled the confusion.
Aviation Scholarships -- Get Paid To Learn
Frustrated by the high cost of flight education? Behaved poorly to your cranky great uncle and he left you out of his will? Have we got a deal for you: Free money! Well, it'll cost you some time and effort, but there are ways to get others to help pay your way into the profession.
As the Beacon Turns #79: Connecting The Dots
When things on your airplane break - especially those annoying computers - it can be very distracting and disruptive to your normal flow. AVweb's Michael Maya Charles had a very long morning recently in his MD-10 when the ship's many computers conspired to prevent an on-time takeoff. See how Capt. Charles and his first officer handled the confusion.
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