New Articles and Features on AVweb

WHAT’S NEW June 26, 2006This month AVweb‘s survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you speed pants, high-lift wing tips, engine oil and much more._______COLUMNS Probable Cause #9: Personal MinimumsPilots flying under the rules of FAR Part 91 are allowed to attempt an instrument approach even when the weather is below minimums. But when skills are rusty, it may be time to be more conservative, as we see in this week’s Probable Cause report.

June 26, 2006
This month AVweb's survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you speed pants, high-lift wing tips, engine oil and much more.

Probable Cause #9: Personal Minimums
Pilots flying under the rules of FAR Part 91 are allowed to attempt an instrument approach even when the weather is below minimums. But when skills are rusty, it may be time to be more conservative, as we see in this week's Probable Cause report.