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COLUMNS Say Again? #64: Flying HigherYou wanna go high? Wanna take that single-turbroprop or new VLJ into the the rarefied air above FL240? Things are a little different there, as AVweb’s Don Brown explains in this month’s Say Again? column. ___________SKYWRITINGS First Solo StoriesLast week in AVweb’s Brainteaser we invited readers to submit short stories about their first solo flights. The response was so overwhelming we can’t publish them all, but here are a few for your enjoyment. Congratulations to all who have ever soloed!
Say Again? #64: Flying Higher
You wanna go high? Wanna take that single-turbroprop or new VLJ into the the rarefied air above FL240? Things are a little different there, as AVweb's Don Brown explains in this month's Say Again? column.
First Solo Stories
Last week in AVweb's Brainteaser we invited readers to submit short stories about their first solo flights. The response was so overwhelming we can't publish them all, but here are a few for your enjoyment. Congratulations to all who have ever soloed!

Editorial StaffAVweb
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