New Diesel Offers 2,400-Hour Warranty

A European engine manufacturer says owners can count on at least 2,400 hours of service from their product even though the FAA says each engine must be replaced (not overhauled) after 1,000 hours. The FAA certified Thielert’s 135-horsepower diesel last week but set a 1,000-hour initial Time Before Replacement (TBR); Thielert countered. Each engine comes with a 2,400-hour prorated warranty, meaning a replacement for any engine timed out at 1,000 hours should only cost a fraction of the $19,000 initial purchase cost. Thielert spokesman Sebastian Wentzler told AVweb they’re working on a “life extension program” to establish engine life at 2,400 hours and, with about 10,000 hours total on the engines overseas, inspection intervals of the engine components have already been increased.

A European engine manufacturer says owners can count on at least 2,400 hours of service from their product even though the FAA says each engine must be replaced (not overhauled) after 1,000 hours. The FAA certified Thielert's 135-horsepower diesel last week but set a 1,000-hour initial Time Before Replacement (TBR); Thielert countered. Each engine comes with a 2,400-hour prorated warranty, meaning a replacement for any engine timed out at 1,000 hours should only cost a fraction of the $19,000 initial purchase cost. Thielert spokesman Sebastian Wentzler told AVweb they're working on a "life extension program" to establish engine life at 2,400 hours and, with about 10,000 hours total on the engines overseas, inspection intervals of the engine components have already been increased. The engine is based on a Daimler-Chrysler automotive engine. FAA certification came only after a thorough examination of Thielert's processes and standards and assurances that the automotive components would stand up. FAA Administrator Marion Blakey said the agency wants to embrace new technology as long as safety isn't compromised. "With some modification and ingenuity, we have an engine that has gone from the pavement to the sky," she said.