New Garmin Autopilot Approved For Mooney Cockpits
Mooney’s Acclaim, Ovation2 GX and Ovation3 can now be equipped with Garmin’s new GFC 700 autopilot, Mooney said this week. The FAA has certified the installation on all three models. The GFC 700 is a three-axis, fully digital, dual-channel, fail-passive Automatic Flight Control System. “The GFC 700 marks the first time single-engine piston pilots will have the option of flying with a completely integrated cockpit — where all of the elements of the avionics panel are designed to communicate with each other for the purpose of reducing pilot workload and enhancing safety of flight,” said David Copeland, Mooney’s vice president of sales and marketing.

Mooney's Acclaim, Ovation2 GX and Ovation3 can now be equipped with Garmin's new GFC 700 autopilot, Mooney said this week. The FAA has certified the installation on all three models. The GFC 700 is a three-axis, fully digital, dual-channel, fail-passive Automatic Flight Control System. "The GFC 700 marks the first time single-engine piston pilots will have the option of flying with a completely integrated cockpit -- where all of the elements of the avionics panel are designed to communicate with each other for the purpose of reducing pilot workload and enhancing safety of flight," said David Copeland, Mooney's vice president of sales and marketing. The system features roll, pitch and yaw control, with automatic pitch trim and Mach trim control. The GFC 700 is capable of using all the data available to the G1000, including the ability to maintain airspeed references and to optimize performance over the entire airspeed envelope, making it GA's first and only fully integrated avionics system, Mooney said.