One Young Eagles Day

Saturday was Young Eagles Day at airports across the country, and EAA members, who have already taken more than 1 million youngsters aloft for their first GA flight, went to work on the second million. At Quonset State Airport, in North Kingstown, R.I., 90 kids and their families got an intro to the GA world that started with a bit of ground school — navigation, air traffic control and instruments briefly explained — and a free museum tour, before heading outdoors to the 20 aircraft waiting on the flight line. First to fly, in Kim Boekelheide’s homebuilt Glastar, was 11-year-old Ben Falvey. “It was awesome!” he said, echoing every Young Eagle’s first response. “I always like going up in the sky, I’m just amazed at what everything looks like from up there.”

Saturday was Young Eagles Day at airports across the country, and EAA members, who have already taken more than 1 million youngsters aloft for their first GA flight, went to work on the second million. At Quonset State Airport, in North Kingstown, R.I., 90 kids and their families got an intro to the GA world that started with a bit of ground school -- navigation, air traffic control and instruments briefly explained -- and a free museum tour, before heading outdoors to the 20 aircraft waiting on the flight line. First to fly, in Kim Boekelheide's homebuilt Glastar, was 11-year-old Ben Falvey. "It was awesome!" he said, echoing every Young Eagle's first response. "I always like going up in the sky, I'm just amazed at what everything looks like from up there." Young Eagle alumnus Chase Denhoff has taken 10 hours of instruction since his first flight last year, and returned Saturday to learn more and meet the pilots. "I invited him to go out on the ramp and pick any airplane that he'd like to fly," said Noah Forden, who organized the event. With a Piper Cub, a Long EZ, an RV-8 in Blue Angels colors, a Beech Musketeer, and many more, it was a tough call. "He chose a Navion and had a great time," Forden said. EAA's Young Eagles programs continue year-round. Coming up on Wednesday evening, from 7 to 8 Central time, astronaut Mike Melvill will chat with kids online in a live Web event. If it all sounds good to you, and you think you'd like to be a part, look into it. To visit AVweb's photo gallery from Young Eagles Day at Quonset, click here.