Paper Airplanes Take Flight (We Hope)
Airline stock may not be worth the paper it’s printed on but there’ll be a lot riding on some cardboard, paperboard and linerboard creations April 5. Ten college engineering teams will try to fly hang-glider frames with flying surfaces made of paper from an 80-foot dune near Kitty Hawk. It will be the final phase of Energy Challenge 2003, a national competition held to test the imagination and engineering prowess of students in building full-scale projects out of paper products.

Airline stock may not be worth the paper it's printed on but there'll be a lot riding on some cardboard, paperboard and linerboard creations April 5. Ten college engineering teams will try to fly hang-glider frames with flying surfaces made of paper from an 80-foot dune near Kitty Hawk. It will be the final phase of Energy Challenge 2003, a national competition held to test the imagination and engineering prowess of students in building full-scale projects out of paper products. It's also aimed at raising awareness about energy efficiency, recycling and pulp and paper industrial processes. The students will be provided with hang-glider frames to cover and will be judged on the strength, recycle content, aesthetics, novelty of design and moisture resistance of their creations. All the pilots will be trained and certified to U.S. Hang Gliding Association standards. The winning team gets $15,000, second place is worth $10,000 and third prize is $5,000. We just hope it doesn't rain.