Pilot Legal Defense Fund Launched

Today it’s Massachusetts but tomorrow it could be property owners bugged by your flying threatening to sue you out of the air. Pilots under the legal gun on the east coast have started the General Aviation Legal Defense fund. Several pilots who legally practice aerobatics near Hanscom Field are being sued by the landowners below who don’t like the noise. One of the pilot-defendants, Steve Pennypacker, said that if the plaintiffs are successful in Massachusetts, similar lawsuits could spread to other areas.

Today it's Massachusetts but tomorrow it could be property owners bugged by your flying threatening to sue you out of the air. Pilots under the legal gun on the east coast have started the General Aviation Legal Defense fund. Several pilots who legally practice aerobatics near Hanscom Field are being sued by the landowners below who don't like the noise. One of the pilot-defendants, Steve Pennypacker, said that if the plaintiffs are successful in Massachusetts, similar lawsuits could spread to other areas.

The legal fund was set up by the American Free Skies Association, a group of New England pilots dedicated to preserving the freedom of flight. Although the fund will be administrated in Massachusetts, contributions will be sent to an Oshkosh address to lend credibility to the effort. EAA doesn't have any direct connection to the fund but it is encouraging anyone with an interest in aviation to contribute. The International Aerobatic Club will help out with the fund's administrative work. Contributions can be mailed to:

Box 3921
Oshkosh WI 54903-3921