Plane Hits Empty School After Collision

Two men in a Cessna 152 died Thursday after the plane collided with a float-equipped Beaver near Renton, Wash., and plunged through the roof of a vacant elementary school. The Beaver, with five people aboard, was able to land safely. Both planes were headed to the Renton Airport. The pilot of the floatplane said the 152 struck the bottom of the Beaver and he did not see it. The smaller plane spiraled vertically into the ground, according to witnesses. The school was being torn down to make way for a new building and workers had left for the day.

Two men in a Cessna 152 died Thursday after the plane collided with a float-equipped Beaver near Renton, Wash., and plunged through the roof of a vacant elementary school. The Beaver, with five people aboard, was able to land safely. Both planes were headed to the Renton Airport. The pilot of the floatplane said the 152 struck the bottom of the Beaver and he did not see it. The smaller plane spiraled vertically into the ground, according to witnesses. The school was being torn down to make way for a new building and workers had left for the day. Witnesses said the Beaver was southbound and the 152 flying east when they collided. "I thought it (the Cessna) would go right underneath the seaplane," said Jesus Cellas. "I saw a little trail of smoke from the engine [and then it was] "spiraling straight down."