Pre-Sun ‘n Fun Races Set
Seen the Unlimiteds growl around the pylons at Reno and got the itch? Well, Sun ‘n Fun might be the place to scratch it. The 21st running of the Sun 100/Sun 60 Air Races will be held the week before the annual EAA Fly-In at Linder Regional Airport at Lakeland, Fla., April 6-13. The Sun 100 will run April 3 and is for homebuilt aircraft while the Sun 60 is for certificated aircraft and runs April 4. Basic entry requirements are an airworthy aircraft, a current pilot’s certificate and proof of $1 million in liability insurance.
Seen the Unlimiteds growl around the pylons at Reno and got the itch? Well, Sun 'n Fun might be the place to scratch it. The 21st running of the Sun 100/Sun 60 Air Races will be held the week before the annual EAA Fly-In at Linder Regional Airport at Lakeland, Fla., April 6-13. The Sun 100 will run April 3 and is for homebuilt aircraft while the Sun 60 is for certificated aircraft and runs April 4. Basic entry requirements are an airworthy aircraft, a current pilot's certificate and proof of $1 million in liability insurance. Just like Reno, the racers will cover a triangular course and radio-equipped spotters will spot any ... pilot-created unauthorized course modifications. Race aircraft will take off at 20-second intervals and the best time in class wins. Classes have been established for various aircraft configurations but the fine-tuning of the categories occurs on race day, when, for example, three RVs of similar horsepower might be pitted against each other. The 15 seconds (or less) of fame that come with the winners' announcements is the only official prize. Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Co. is sponsoring the race. Each race is restricted to 75 aircraft and registration forms are available at