Radar For Your PC

With the AerFlight Virtual Radar system, just about any desktop PC can be turned into a virtual ATC-style radar screen. The AerFlight captures the Mode-S signals emitted by aircraft. Users can control parameters such as range, data displayed, waypoints and geographic outlines. Online databases provide extensive details for each aircraft. AerFlight VR software also can communicate with other users, providing real-time, live airspace traffic positioning around the world. The system is being marketed as a security asset and to anyone with an interest in what’s going on in the airspace above them, including flight departments, FBOs, flight schools and aviation enthusiasts.

With the AerFlight Virtual Radar system, just about any desktop PC can be turned into a virtual ATC-style radar screen. The AerFlight captures the Mode-S signals emitted by aircraft. Users can control parameters such as range, data displayed, waypoints and geographic outlines. Online databases provide extensive details for each aircraft. AerFlight VR software also can communicate with other users, providing real-time, live airspace traffic positioning around the world. The system is being marketed as a security asset and to anyone with an interest in what's going on in the airspace above them, including flight departments, FBOs, flight schools and aviation enthusiasts. Notes can be ascribed and activity histories stored. The system consists of an antenna, receiver, and software package, and sells for about $900.