Home/briefsbriefsReader Feedback on AVweb’s News Coverage and Feature Articles …http://www.avweb.com/avmail/Reader mail this week about ATC, UFOs, ethanol in mogas and much more. Editorial StaffPublished May 15, 2006 12:00 AM EDTShare this story http://www.avweb.com/avmail/Reader mail this week about ATC, UFOs, ethanol in mogas and much more.Share this storyEditorial StaffAVwebRelated StoriesbriefsLiberty Honors Symphony And Tiger DepositsEditorial Staffbriefs150-Hour Cessna Pilot Helps Out In Continental EmergencyEditorial StaffbriefsA Strange But Familiar ViewEditorial StaffbriefsSoccer Squad Under Aerial SurveillanceEditorial StaffbriefsVietnams First Homebuilt Set To Fly?Editorial StaffbriefsFreight Company Blames ATC For Taxiway CollisionEditorial Staff