Safire Aircraft To Reopen Tomorrow And Show At AirVenture

“We have funds to carry us to certification and beyond,” Safire Aircraft CEO Camilo Salomon told AVweb on Thursday, saying also that his workers will be back on the job tomorrow. “We just closed [on our financial deal] yesterday in Geneva,” he said, talking on his cellphone from a noisy street in Europe. “We have a very strong investor group behind us now, and we don’t expect any further problems.” He said he would be back in the U.S. today. While the financial problems that prompted a month-long shutdown of the Florida company will delay the first flight of the Safire Jet — which was expected in September — Salomon said he doesn’t expect “significant slippage” in the production schedule overall.

"We have funds to carry us to certification and beyond," Safire Aircraft CEO Camilo Salomon told AVweb on Thursday, saying also that his workers will be back on the job tomorrow. "We just closed [on our financial deal] yesterday in Geneva," he said, talking on his cellphone from a noisy street in Europe. "We have a very strong investor group behind us now, and we don't expect any further problems." He said he would be back in the U.S. today. While the financial problems that prompted a month-long shutdown of the Florida company will delay the first flight of the Safire Jet -- which was expected in September -- Salomon said he doesn't expect "significant slippage" in the production schedule overall. "Once we get back to work, we'll see where we are in the program, and we'll have a more comprehensive view by the end of the week," he said. The company will be at AirVenture Oshkosh later this month, he said.