See Alaska, Before You Fly
When you’re flying, it’s always nice to see where you’re going, especially if you’re flying in Alaska. And now you can do it from the comfort of your computer room.

When you're flying, it's always nice to see where you'regoing, especially if you're flying in Alaska. And now you can do it from thecomfort of your computer room. The FAA has just completed the installation of90 web cameras on key aviation routes throughout the state. When you log ontothe site, you get a real-time image of the conditions and a clear weathercomparison view. Joette Storm, the FAA's community relations manager in Alaska,said the first camera went active in July and now all 90 are in operation."Pilots really like the service," she said. It was a logisticalnightmare installing some of the remote location cameras. The one that surveysLake Clarke Pass, an important route to western Alaska, has a combination ofbatteries, solar panels and a wind generator to power it. If you're not flyingin Alaska, this service will also give you a cheap tour ... and maybe you'llfind some nice wallpaper for your computer.