Skyhawks Selling In Europe
The venerable Cessna 172 Skyhawk faces a lot of competition these days for spots on the flight school lines where it once dominated. But four European flight schools are upgrading their aircraft fleets with new Skyhawks, Cessna said last week. Flight schools in Romania, Italy, Spain and Germany have ordered a total of 22 new Skyhawks, four of them with G1000 glass cockpits. “The Skyhawk combines safe and economical operation with the best avionics on the market,” said Pana Poulios, regional sales manager for Cessna.

The venerable Cessna 172 Skyhawk faces a lot of competition these days for spots on the flight school lines where it once dominated. But four European flight schools are upgrading their aircraft fleets with new Skyhawks, Cessna said last week. Flight schools in Romania, Italy, Spain and Germany have ordered a total of 22 new Skyhawks, four of them with G1000 glass cockpits. "The Skyhawk combines safe and economical operation with the best avionics on the market," said Pana Poulios, regional sales manager for Cessna. "The advanced technology and interface of the G1000 helps ease the transition for those who will go on to fly commercial jets, private jets or military aircraft." Cessna also announced last week that John Newton has been named vice president of used aircraft at Cessna's headquarters in Wichita, Kan.