SLC Hosts ACI-NA Conference
Starting today, the Salt Lake City Department of Airports will host the Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) Annual Conference and Exhibition.

Starting today, the Salt Lake City Department of Airportswill host the Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) AnnualConference and Exhibition. Running until November 14, the annual conferencewill host 2,000 airport executives to discuss important airport and airtransport challenges and opportunities within the new aviation environment. Theexhibition hall -- featuring over 120 aviation-related exhibitors -- will beopen daily to delegates, with the Grand Opening Reception held from 6 p.m. to 9p.m. tonight. FAA Administrator Marion Blakey and David Collenette, Canada'sMinister of Transport, will headline the keynote addresses on Monday night. Adm.James M. Loy, Undersecretary of Transportation for Security, TransportationSecurity Administration, and Brian Flemming, Chairman, Canadian Air TransportSecurity Authority, will highlight a general session on Tuesday. ACI-NArepresents local, regional, state, and national governing bodies that own andoperate commercial airports in the United States and Canada.