Stanford Univ. Seeks Pilots For Aging Study
With the age-60 rule back in play, how would you like to contribute to scientific research, while getting free simulator time, earning a few extra bucks and attaining that goal of attending Stanford U. (sort of)? The Palo Alto, Calif., school is studying age-related changes in aviator performance. Volunteers must be 50 to 67 years old, have a current and active pilot certificate and a current FAA medical certificate, and must have logged between 300 and 15,000 hours. Volunteers will fly a Frasca 141 simulator. After an initial training period, they are asked to come back for four annual visits, so their performance over time can be evaluated. For more details and contact info, go to the study’s Web site.

With the age-60 rule back in play, how would you like to contribute to scientific research, while getting free simulator time, earning a few extra bucks and attaining that goal of attending Stanford U. (sort of)? The Palo Alto, Calif., school is studying age-related changes in aviator performance. Volunteers must be 50 to 67 years old, have a current and active pilot certificate and a current FAA medical certificate, and must have logged between 300 and 15,000 hours. Volunteers will fly a Frasca 141 simulator. After an initial training period, they are asked to come back for four annual visits, so their performance over time can be evaluated. For more details and contact info, go to the study's Web site.

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