Tall Tower Outside Denver Worries Pilots

“People’s lives shouldn’t be in danger just so more listeners can hear the top 40, news, weather and sports,” reads an editorial in Tuesday’s Denver Post. At issue is a new communications tower that has worried some pilots in the area. The 1,996-foot tower rises to 7,000 feet above sea level, and is not far from Front Range Airport, a busy GA field.

"People's lives shouldn't be in danger just so more listeners can hear the top 40, news, weather and sports," reads an editorial in Tuesday's Denver Post. At issue is a new communications tower that has worried some pilots in the area. The 1,996-foot tower rises to 7,000 feet above sea level, and is not far from Front Range Airport, a busy GA field. The tower, one of the tallest in the country, is marked with high-intensity strobe lights, but pilots have complained that the lights are difficult to detect in hazy weather. In addition, guy wires extend for 1,500 feet from the structure, creating an additional hazard. The tower should be made more visible to aviators, the Post editorial suggests, perhaps by painting it in brighter colors.