TFRs: Who Are They Really Stopping?

The FAA is looking at revising its enforcement policy for pilots who bust TFRs and the Washington ADIZ. Agency officials told a recent meeting of the GA Coalition that federal security agencies are not in favor of a flexible system of enforcement that takes mitigating factors into consideration. In fact, according to EAA’s account of the meeting, the Secret Service initially wanted criminal charges laid against wayward pilots. Coalition Chairman Tom Poberezny urged the FAA to adopt a uniform policy that allows remedial action, counseling and even amnesty for pilots who mistakenly enter restricted airspace. The meeting attendees were told that almost 2,800 violations have been recorded so far, about half of them in the Washington ADIZ and Camp David TFRs.

The FAA is looking at revising its enforcement policy for pilots who bust TFRs and the Washington ADIZ. Agency officials told a recent meeting of the GA Coalition that federal security agencies are not in favor of a flexible system of enforcement that takes mitigating factors into consideration. In fact, according to EAA's account of the meeting, the Secret Service initially wanted criminal charges laid against wayward pilots. Coalition Chairman Tom Poberezny urged the FAA to adopt a uniform policy that allows remedial action, counseling and even amnesty for pilots who mistakenly enter restricted airspace. The meeting attendees were told that almost 2,800 violations have been recorded so far, about half of them in the Washington ADIZ and Camp David TFRs. The zone around the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas, and the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, also rack up high numbers, as do the traveling TFRs that follow the president around the country. Poberezny has chaired the coalition for two years and is handing over leadership to Ed Bolen, president of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association.