Time To Think About Thunderstorms

With summer in full swing, thunderstorm season is reaching its peak as well. As a reminder about the dangers, AOPA’s Air Safety Foundation has released a new four-minute online refresher course on avoiding thunderstorms. The course is free to all. Also, you can check out the historical patterns of thunderstorms in your region thanks to a new Web site from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). The site displays maps of thunderstorm activity across the U.S. for every month over the last 10 years. Maps are available by region, by air route traffic control region and by major airport vicinity.

With summer in full swing, thunderstorm season is reaching its peak as well. As a reminder about the dangers, AOPA's Air Safety Foundation has released a new four-minute online refresher course on avoiding thunderstorms. The course is free to all. Also, you can check out the historical patterns of thunderstorms in your region thanks to a new Web site from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). The site displays maps of thunderstorm activity across the U.S. for every month over the last 10 years. Maps are available by region, by air route traffic control region and by major airport vicinity. And in November, hundreds of scientists from around the world will converge in Australia for a months-long study of the Northern Territory's spectacular storms. The goal is to help improve forecasts of thunderstorm activity, improve the accuracy of climate modeling and better understand cloud systems.