TSA Extends Deadline For 12-5 Rule

In a notice published in the Federal Register, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) formally moved the Twelve-Five Standard Security Program implementation date to February 1, 2003.

In a notice published in the Federal Register, the TransportationSecurity Administration (TSA) formally moved the Twelve-Five Standard SecurityProgram implementation date to February 1, 2003. Previously, operators had beentold that compliance was required no later than December 1, 2002. The notice explains that obstaclesfaced by small on-demand air taxi operators, never before subject to securityrequirements, necessitate additional guidance from the TSA and time to trainstaff on the new security standards. The National Air TransportationAssociation (NATA), which represents charter operators, applauded the TSA'sdecision. NATA had been working with the TSA on a plan to conduct required FBIbackground checks of flight crewmembers. However, the TSA has yet to approvethe plan.