UFOs Identified, UK Reports
If there are unidentified objects flitting around in the airspace, lots of pilots would certainly like to know about it — and so would the military. In the United Kingdom, a secret government report from six years ago was recently released to a professor who requested it under a freedom-of-information law. The report concludes that UFOs are mainly non-threatening aircraft or unusual weather phenomena. High-altitude plasma clouds, which glow and flit about, were one likely cause of many otherwise unexplained sightings. The report apparently has done little to convince believers. Even neutral skeptics have said the report is flawed.

If there are unidentified objects flitting around in the airspace, lots of pilots would certainly like to know about it -- and so would the military. In the United Kingdom, a secret government report from six years ago was recently released to a professor who requested it under a freedom-of-information law. The report concludes that UFOs are mainly non-threatening aircraft or unusual weather phenomena. High-altitude plasma clouds, which glow and flit about, were one likely cause of many otherwise unexplained sightings. The report apparently has done little to convince believers. Even neutral skeptics have said the report is flawed. No scientists were directly consulted, and the author, who was not identified, relied on secondhand information with no follow-up, according to David Clarke, the journalism professor who unearthed the report. And despite a Daily Mail story that said the report's findings are conclusive, UFO believers were quick to scoff. Commenters at the newspaper's Web site labeled the conclusions "disinformation" and "propaganda," and cited their own experiences with objects that don't fit plasma clouds' appearance or behavior. And some just want to believe: "So what you're telling me is that humans are the most intelligent life form on the earth?" wrote one commenter. "God help us all then."