Update On TSA’s CFI Rule

Yes, tomorrow is the deadline for CFIs to complete online security-awareness training. If you’re an active CFI, you’re required to do it, but don’t worry that men in black suits will come knocking at your door to follow up. Several CFIs told AVweb that course-takers can expect to spend more time than advertised — from one hour up to three hours — mainly because of slow download times. Others said that FAA officials at local FSDOs had no information about the course or the TSA requirements, and that it was a waste of time. “Don’t get me wrong, I agree that it is a good idea to raise awareness,” one reader wrote. “But the TSA should have raised our awareness that our awareness needed raising.” According to AOPA, officials at the Transportation Security Administration say they want to focus on compliance, not enforcement.

Yes, tomorrow is the deadline for CFIs to complete online security-awareness training. If you're an active CFI, you're required to do it, but don't worry that men in black suits will come knocking at your door to follow up. Several CFIs told AVweb that course-takers can expect to spend more time than advertised -- from one hour up to three hours -- mainly because of slow download times. Others said that FAA officials at local FSDOs had no information about the course or the TSA requirements, and that it was a waste of time. "Don't get me wrong, I agree that it is a good idea to raise awareness," one reader wrote. "But the TSA should have raised our awareness that our awareness needed raising." According to AOPA, officials at the Transportation Security Administration say they want to focus on compliance, not enforcement. Translation: You are required to do it as soon as you can, but most can be confident nobody is going to check up on them right away. Amid the initial (and last-minute) confusion, AOPA also got the TSA to clarify that only actively working CFIs are required to take the training. CFIs who have current certificates but are not involved in training, or whose certificates have expired, are encouraged, but not required, to take the free course.