Pilot Friendly Life Insurance
Yes! There is a pilot friendly life insurance carrier! Compare our life rates to any other carrier and you will quickly see that our A+ rated life insurance carrier offers favourable rates to those of us with a pilot certificate. Certainly, the coverage is underwritten for medical history but being a pilot having at least 100 logged hours will not usually present a problem with getting approved at a superior rate. Email me at donlagarde@gmail.com to begin a discussion of your particular coverage needs and any questions you might have.

Yes! There is a pilot friendly life insurance carrier!
Compare our life rates to any other carrier and you will quickly see that our A+ rated life insurance carrier offers favourable rates to those of us with a pilot certificate. Certainly, the coverage is underwritten for medical history but being a pilot having at least 100 logged hours will not usually present a problem with getting approved at a superior rate.
Email me at donlagarde@gmail.com to begin a discussion of your particular coverage needs and any questions you might have.