AVweb’s Question Of The Week
We received over 400 responses to our question last week on the biggest aviation story of 2002. So far, 33 percent of our respondents feel that the crippling of the airline industry, including Uniteds bankruptcy, was the biggest aviation story of 2002. The economic downturn and its effect on general aviation was cited by 28 percent of our readers as being the main story. Following that, 20 percent said threats to airports and airspace was the big story of 2002.
This week, we would like to know your thoughts on GA airport security.
For AVweb's Question of the Week, click here.
We received over 400 responses to our question last week on the biggest aviation story of 2002. So far, 33 percent of our respondents feel that the crippling of the airline industry, including Uniteds bankruptcy, was the biggest aviation story of 2002. The economic downturn and its effect on general aviation was cited by 28 percent of our readers as being the main story. Following that, 20 percent said threats to airports and airspace was the big story of 2002.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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