AVweb’s Question Of The Week…

This week, we would like to know your thoughts on ground obstructions.

This week, we would like to know your thoughts on ground obstructions.

For AVweb's Question of the Week, click here.


We received over 700 responses to our question last week on learning to fly. The majority (54 percent) of our respondents indicated that it took them between 40-60 hours to attain their first pilot's certificate. Eleven percent took over 80 hours to do so. In terms of calendar time, only 7 percent of those responding completed this training in less than two months, while 29 percent took more than 12 months to finish their training. While some respondents went over their allotted budgets, others did not. As one person suggested, "As with any project you must do your homework and cost it out with both a minimum, expected, and maximum budget with which you can work."