AVweb’s Question of the Week …
This week, AVweb wants to know if you prefer Visual Flight Rules or Instrument Flight Rules. PLUS: Results of last week’s question on your konwledge of lightgun signals.
Last week, AVweb wondered just how many pilots are actually conversant with lightgun signals.
Just over half of those who answered have more than a passing familiarity with lightguns. 41% of the total number of respondents told us they had actually used lightgun signals in a real-world situation. Another 11% were familiar with lightguns and their use from training.
On the other end of the spectrum, 15% of respondents told us they could identify and explain the signals, even though they've never used lightguns. Another 22% confessed to not knowing the signals but keeping an aid in the cockpit when they're flying.
A mere 5% of those polled said they don't know the meaning of the signals and don't have a reference for them in their cockpit.
And 7% told us only that they have never used lightguns.
This week, AVweb wants to know if you prefer Visual Flight Rules or Instrument Flight Rules.
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