AVweb’s Question of the Week …
This week, AVweb wants to hear your reactions to the closing of Potomac Airfield, one of a handful of small GA airports operating in the vicinity of Washington, D.C. PLUS: Results of last week’s question on falling jet prices and just what constitutes the “magic number” for AVweb readers.
With jet prices dropping and manufacturers promising even more affordable models in the future, AVweb wondered just what our readers' "magic number" might be. How low would jet prices have to fall before AVweb readers started buying?
That's the question we put to our readership last week, and the answers we received were all over the economic spectrum.
15% of you chose not to play our version of The Price Is Right, saying you'd just as soon stick with your piston, thankyouverymuch.
A very small 4% of our readership said they were ready with their down payment if we could get them a jet for a cool million. Slightly more of you (7% of those who responded) started to run the numbers when we got the price down to $800,000. As we took another $200K off the price, interest started to rise considerably: 14% of our readers were willing to consider it at $600,000, and another 12% at $400,000.
A significant portion of our readers (another 15%) said they'd be interested in an aircraft share for $100,000 if we could wrangle that.
And the largest number of respondents this week (still only 33%) said we were off our collective rocker to consider dropping that much money on a fancy jet-engine aeroplane.
Needless to say, we won't be having an "Everything Must Go" clearance on AVweb jets this holiday season ... .
They've closed Potomac.
This week, AVweb wants to hear your reactions to the closing of Potomac Airfield, one of a handful of small GA airports operating in the vicinity of Washington, D.C.
Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.
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