AVweb’s Question of the Week …
There’s been a lot of discussion about the ADIZ in Washington becoming permanent (including this editorial, appearing today in our “ATIS” opinion section). We’ve already asked how you feel about the possibility; this week, we’d like to know if any of you are planning to fight the plans to make the ADIZ permanent. PLUS: Results of last week’s question on hypoxia.
Last week, AVweb asked readers to rate their level of concern about hypoxia in the cockpit.
20% of you told us hypoxia isn't much of a concern, because you do the bulk of your flying under 5,000 feet - but the largest portion of respondents (a full 40%) acknowledged that you begin to pay attention (and perhaps even worry?) when you cross the 10,000-foot threshold.
Another 20% of you maintain your vigilance at all times, exercising valuable cockpit caution. And another 8% credit your training with keeping you ready for any potential problems.
Only 9% of our respondents insisted that they were "always prepared" for depressurization and potential hypoxia, and a tiny 3% of those surveyed told us they pay attention (even at low altitudes) when the heat and humidity are high.
There's been a lot of discussion about the ADIZ in Washington becoming permanent (including this editorial, appearing today in our "ATIS" opinion section). We've already asked how you feel about the possibility; this week, we'd like to know if any of you are planning to fight the plans to make the ADIZ permanent.
What actions (if any) will you take because of all this talk of a permanent ADIZ?
Click here to answer.
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