AVweb’s Question of the Week …
This week, AVweb wants to know how concerned you are about having a mid-air collision. Terrified it will happen to you? Willing to bet that it won’t? Tell us. PLUS: Answers to last week’s question about the National Defense Airspace over Washington, D.C. becoming a permanent fixture of East Coast aviation.
This time last week, the FAA had just issued its proposal to bring Washington, D.C. under the protection of its new National Defense Airspace. AVweb polled readers as to their feelings and impressions about the ADIZ surrounding DC becoming a permanent fixture.
The overwhelming majority of you (over 70%) were skeptical and cautious, choosing our tongue-in-cheek answer This is America, previously the land of the free.
The rest of you were almost evenly split on whether a permanent ADIZ is a good security measure (17%) or merely a necessary compromise in trying times (12%).
This week, AVweb wants to know how concerned you are about having a mid-air collision. Terrified it will happen to you? Willing to bet that it won't?
Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.
This address is only for suggested QOTW questions, and not for QOTW answers or comments.
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