AVweb’s Question of the Week …

This week, AVweb wants to know how you feel about pulling the ‘chute – or at least having the option. Given the choice, would you rather fly an aircraft that has a full-aircraft parachute system? PLUS: Responses to last week’s question on instrument ratings and safety.


Last week, AVweb asked whether an instrument rating automatically makes a pilot safer.

The largest segment of our respondents (34%) thought this was a no-brainer:  "Any extra training makes a pilot better" (and safer), they told us.

A second segment (four fewer respondents than the previous group) agreed with our statement that judgement is more important to safety than weather conditions or instrument ratings - but being instrument-rated can improve a pilot's judgement and make his flying safer.

22% of you agreed that an instrument-rated pilot is better prepared to address unsafe conditions - and so, in a sense, is a "safer pilot."

A mere 7% of you reminded us that weather is a notorious killer of pilots - and an instrument rating is a license to fly in bad weather.  And the remaining 3% thought an instrument rating can foster a false sense of confidence, which can actually make pilots less safe.


This week, AVweb wants to know how you feel about pulling the 'chute - or at least having the option.  Given the choice, would you rather fly an aircraft that has a full-aircraft parachute system?

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

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