AVweb’s Question of the Week …

They’re auto-landing Harriers on aircraft carriers. Is it good or bad that the once prized skills of pilots are being passed over to machines? This week, AVweb wants to know what you think of push-button flying. PLUS: Results of last week’s question about blame and the May 11 ADIZ incursion in Washington, DC.


Last week, AVweb asked who bore the brunt of the blame for the May 11 ADIZ incursion in Washington - the Cessna pilots or the government.

The majority of our readers (74% of respondents) say the pilots involved bear most of the responsibility.  The other 24% of you thought the government had lost what little sense it had left by chasing after rogue Cessnas.

Several of you contributed more in-depth opinions to Monday's AVmail.  We recommend you check out their comments, if you haven't already.


They're auto-landing Harriers on aircraft carriers. Is it good or bad that the once prized skills of pilots are being passed over to machines?

Push-button flying - a good thing or a bad thing?

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

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