AVweb’s Question of the Week …

Sun ‘n Fun is upon us, and this week AVweb wants to know how much money we skyhounds are spending on fly-ins. Not counting the price of admission, travel (avgas, etc.), and accommodations (food and hotel), how much do you spend at these events? PLUS: Results of last week’s question on cell phone use by PICs.


Last week, AVweb asked if you use your cell phone while acting as Pilot in Command.

Answers were scattered across the board, with the largest segment of respondents (27%) admitting to using their phones on the ground but never while the plane is in motion.  Another 16% said they make and receive calls frequently when acting as PIC - but only legally, on the ground.

Another significant chunk of you (20%) admitted to answering or making calls a handful of times while aloft.

9% of respondents don't hesitate to use their cell phone in the cockpit if it the call is related to the flight, and a full 5% of you 'fessed up to using the phone regularly in the cockpit for non-flight-related calls.

The remaining 23% told us they'd never used their cell phones while in flight as a PIC.


Sun 'n Fun is upon us, and this week AVweb wants to know how much money we skyhounds are spending on fly-ins.  Not counting the price of admission, travel (avgas, etc.), and accommodations (food and hotel), how much do you spend at these events?

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

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