AVweb’s Question of the Week …
This week, AVweb wants to get an honest assessment of the level of caution you exercise when flying through MOAs (Military Operation Areas). PLUS: Results of last week’s poll on “doctored” (digitally altered) images in our “POTW” contest.
Last week, AVweb asked how you feel about us accepting digitally altered photos for our "Picture of the Week" contest.
Most of you (64% of respondents) are adamantly opposed to "doctored" photos of any kind, while only a small number of readers (17%) think digitally altered images are fair game for the contest.
Slightly more readers (still only 19%) have their doubts, but think digitally altered images could have a place in our amateur photo contest. One of those readers, J.T. McDuffie, even made a case in this week'sAVmail forum.
This week, AVweb wants an honest assessment of your level of concern with regard to Military Operation Areas (MOAs).
Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.
This address is only for suggested QOTW questions, and not for QOTW answers or comments.
Usethis form to send QOTW comments to our AVmail Editor.