AVweb’s Question of the Week …
This week, AVweb wants your input on our “Picture of the Week” contest. PLUS: Results of last week’s question on tsunami aid.
Last week, AVweb asked how many of you are personally contributing to the tsunami relief efforts in Southern Asia.
Responses were split nearly evenly between the skeptical (51%) and the openly kind-hearted (49%). The "skeptical" contingent is waiting to see how already-committed government relief funds are put to use before contributing their own time or money.
The "kind-hearted," on the the other hand, have already stepped up to the plate with volunteer efforts and monetary donations - mostly donations. 41% of total respondents tell us they've sent money to a tsunami relief effort. Another 3% have done volunteer work with local charities, and 2% tell us they've been personally involved with recovery in the area.
4% of you told us you'd like to be personally involved, but you haven't found the right avenue for volunteering. For those among you, please take a moment to visit the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI) on the web:
If you have skills or goods that can be of use, the CIDI will put you in touch with an appropriate organization.
(This "QOTW" has already sparked some e-mail to ourAVmail forum. If you have a comment, we alwayslove to hear from you.)
This week, AVweb wants your input on our "Picture of the Week" contest. Recently, we began accepting contest entries that are clearly marked as digitally altered, but some readers feel that "doctored photos" have no place in our "POTW" contest.
Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.
This address is only for suggested QOTW questions, and not for QOTW answers or comments.
Usethis form to send QOTW comments to our AVmail Editor.