AVweb’s Question of the Week …

This week, AVweb wants to know if (and how often) you use WAAS approaches. PLUS: Results of last week’s question on mandatory retirement ages for pilots and controllers.


Last week, AVweb pointed out that air traffic controllers have a mandatory retirement age of 56.  According to the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), the retirement age reflects scientific data suggesting that there's a sharp decline in physical ability as controllers hit their mid-50s.  Given that pilots don't suffer mandatory retirement until age 60 (or 65, in some cases), AVweb asked if we could take this as a sign that ATC is a more physically demanding job than piloting (at least in the eyes of the regulators).

29% of those who responded thought the logic was good.  "Makes sense to me," they answered.

A tiny bit more of our readership (30%) said it didn't make sense.  Based on our statements and what these readers know about mandatory retirement ages, the logic just didn't add up.

But the majority of our readers (a full 41%) said there was definitely something fishy in our "logical deduction."

One reader (who went only by "Al") pointed out this bit of inescapable logic:

Maximum Entry Age [for Controllers] 31
25 Years of Service      + 25
Retirement Age 56


This week, AVweb wants to know if (and how often) you use WAAS approaches.

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