AVweb’s Question of the Week …
Year-end is upon us – just as soon as we all plow through the holiday season. This week, AVweb wants to know how many hours you flew in 2004. PLUS: Results of last week’s question on the outsourcing of FSS.
Last week, AVweb asked if you were concerned about the quality of service provided by FSS if the FAA were to outsource the FSS system.
A full 79% of you expressed some concern over the future of FSS in such a scenario. 303 of those respondents were primarily worried about removing experienced personnel and transitioning to a new, less-familiar system.
127 readers took the stance that change isn't always bad. Outsourcing could produce a leaner, more efficient, and less costly FSS system.
Year-end is upon us - just as soon as we all plow through the holiday season.
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