AVweb’s Question of the Week …

This week, we want to know if you (or anyone you know) will be taking advantage of the new Sport Pilot rules. PLUS: Results of last week’s poll on how much trust our readers put in the FAA.


Last week, AVweb asked how far you trust the FAA in its role as protector and police for the commercial aviation industry.

You know what we discovered?  That AVweb readers are a self-reliant group who (as a general rule) don't put much faith in outside agencies.

Only 17% of readers answered with an unqualified "yes."  An even smaller number (14% of respondents) chose the simple answer "no."  The most popular answer (with 33% of this week's vote) was this one:

It's a mistake to ever trust the FAA with anything - but that's not necessarily a bad thing. As users of the system, we're just as much responsible to protect ourselves from ill-advised changes to the system as the FAA is to manage that system and adapt it to changing times. The relationship may at times seem adversarial, but we're all on the same team.

11% of respondents wanted to know exactly when the FAA had been declared "protector and police," and the remaining 25% of respondents answered, "If we're on the same team, someone should really tell the FAA."


This week, we want to know if you (or anyone you know) will be taking advantage of the new Sport Pilot rules.

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

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