AVweb’s Question of the Week …
Pilots. Controllers. Safety. This week, AVweb asks: Given an above-average pilot or an above-average controller, who do you think is more important to safey? PLUS: Results of last week’s question on aviation conventions.
Last week, AVweb asked how important it is to attend aviation conventions. Most of you (49% of respondents) place a high value on aviation shows, saying you'd like to go if at all possible. 17% of readers acknowledge the importance of news and product announcements at these shows but say the real reason for going is to interact with other pilots and airplane buffs - while another 16% say that they'd like to attend more shows, but the conventions' popularity makes them difficult to go to. 11% of you told us you'd like to go to the shows, but it's more practical to stay home and read about it on AVweb (and maybe in other publications). The final 7% told us they go to shows to see specific products or manufacturers, but otherwise they stay home.
Controllers. Pilots. Safety.
Given an above-average pilot or an above-average controller,who do you think is more important?
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