AVweb’s Question of the Week …
Scaled Composites’ SpaceShipOne made another successful launch into the upper atmosphere on Wednesday morning – the first of three attempts at winning the Ansari X-Prize. Does SpaceShipOne have the competition sewn up, or is there still a chance for a dramatic turn of events? PLUS: Results of last week’s question regarding our readers’ … um, reading habits.
Last week, we asked readers to help us out by telling us a little about their AVweb-reading habits. Specifically, we wanted to know how many of you are devoted fans of our AVflash newsletter and how many of you prefer to read your news directly from the web site.
It seems AVflash is the most popular feature of AVweb, with 45% of you waiting feverishly on Monday and Thursday mornings for your dose of avnews. Another 35% of readers reported that they get AVflash but use it mainly as a reminder to visit the site and check out the full edition of NewsWire. 12% of you split your reading time, sometimes gleaning news from the e-mail and sometimes getting it from the web site.
7% of readers seemed surprised that we have an e-mail newsletter, and another 1% seemed surprised that we have a web site!
Scaled Composites' SpaceShipOne made another successful launch into the upper atmosphere on Wednesday morning - the first of three attempts at winning the Ansari X-Prize. Does SpaceShipOne have the competition sewn up, or is there still a chance for a dramatic turn of events? Click here to register your opinion.
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