AVweb’s Question of the Week …

This week, we want to hear your opinion on pilots’ salaries, so we’re asking the question, “Are professional pilots overpaid?” Step up to the plate and share your opinion. PLUS: Results of last week’s poll on joint-use airports, like those in the FAA’s MAP program.


Last week, AVweb asked for your opinions on the FAA's MAP program, whereby military airports receive funding to be used toward developing "joint use" facilities that will alleviate the growing strain on GA airports.  27% of you said that this is definitely a wise move on the FAA's part, putting money into underutilized, ready-for-use facilities that can help GA out immediately.  But the vast majority of you (60% of respondents) were quick to point out that this is only a stopgap measure - while it may ease the burden of GA, more airports will still be needed.  The remaining 13% of you said emphatically that MAP alone simply won't cut it:  When all is said and done, we still need more airports.


Are professional pilots overpaid?  Answer honestly now ... .

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

Note: This address is only for suggested QOTW questions, and not for QOTW answers.