AVweb’s Question of the Week …
Sport Pilot. It’s been a long time coming, but that doesn’t mean it will ever come to pass. This week, AVweb wants to hear your thoughts on the Sport Pilot initiative. PLUS: Results of our poll on terrorism in the skies.
Two weeks ago, AVweb was preparing for Sun 'n Fun and the 9/11 Commission was just beginning to hear the testimony of Condoleezza Rice - and we asked readers how they feel about "terror in the skies." The overwhelming majority of you (almost 500 people, 63% of poll respondents) put your foot down and said that we're needlessly demonizing airplanes by painting them as potential weapons of terror. But a respectable 15% of those polled said there are legitimate fears regarding air terror. Of those who thought there was a clear and immediate danger in the skies, most agreed that commercial jets (like those used in the WTC attack) pose the greatest threat. Only a handful of readers (less than 1%) are kept awake at night by the possibility of an ultralight invasion ... .
This week, AVweb wants to know what you think about theSport Pilot initiative. It's been a long time coming, but will it come to pass? Click here to answer this week's polling question.
Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions to qotw@avweb.com.
Note: This address is only for suggested QOTW questions, and not for QOTW answers.