FAR Sec. 23.853:Passenger and Crew Compartment Interiors

Supplement to Greg Amy’s article “Interiors, Legalities, and Part 91 Aircraft.”

For each compartment to be used by the crew or passengers:

(a) The materials must be at least flame-resistant;

(b) [Reserved]

(c) If smoking is to be prohibited, there must be a placard sostating, and if smoking is to be allowed-

(1) There must be an adequate number of self-contained, removable ashtrays; and
(2) Where the crew compartment is separated from the passenger compartment, there must be at least one illuminated sign (using either letters or symbols) notifying all passengers when smoking is prohibited. Signs which notify when smoking is prohibited must-

(i) When illuminated, be legible to each passenger seated in the passenger cabin under all probable lighting conditions; and
(ii) Be so constructed that the crew can turn the illumination on and off; and

(d) In addition, for commuter category airplanes the followingrequirements apply:

(Section d snipped - not-applicable to our aircraft...)

(e) Lines, tanks, or equipment containing fuel, oil, or otherflammable fluids may not be installed in such compartments unless adequatelyshielded, isolated, or otherwise protected so that any breakage or failure ofsuch an item would not create a hazard.

(f) Airplane materials located on the cabin side of the firewallmust be self-extinguishing or be located at such a distance from the firewall,or otherwise protected, so that ignition will not occur if the firewall issubjected to a flame temperature of not less than 2,000 degrees F for 15minutes. For self-extinguishing materials (except electrical wire and cableinsulation and small parts that the Administrator finds would not contributesignificantly to the propagation of a fire), a vertifical [sic]self-extinguishing test must be conducted in accordance with Appendix F of thispart or an equivalent method approved by the Administrator. The average burnlength of the material may not exceed 6 inches and the average flame time afterremoval of the flame source may not exceed 15 seconds. Drippings from thematerial test specimen may not continue to flame for more than an average of 3seconds after falling.